Sunday, July 29, 2012

Watch 2012 London Olympics Live Stream

Watch 2012 London Olympics Live Stream

Watch 2012 London Olympics Opening Ceremony

The London 2012 Games are officially open. The spectacular opening ceremony at the Olympic Stadium was directed by Danny Boyle.

Watch 2012 London Olympics Opening Ceremony

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Whitney Houston wore false teeth

Whitney Houston wore false teeth according  to Tina Brown, Bobby Brown's sister,  as she revealed in 2006. "She loses them in the house and when she’s out on drug binges",  said Tina. "They cost $6000 and the dentist has to keep FedEx’ing her a new set." Tina added.

Tina Brown allegation was  proven after Whitney Houston's death. The colonel's report indicated that Houston wore dentures. Habitual use of drugs such as crack, cocaine, which contains acidic chemicals, will lead to the attrition of the tooth's pulpy tissue eventually. Tooth decay can also be the result of vomiting and tooth grinding, which is common among drug and alcohol abusers.

Before her death, Houston visited her doctor/dentist  thrice due to sore throat and to whitened her teeth.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Avengers Director Josh Whedon Gives Thanks to His Fans

"The Avengers" set records at the box office, thus Joss Whedon may be on top of the world of directing, but he hasn't forgotten his real fans! .After joining the ranks of blockbuster filmmakers, the writer and director found the time to write a funny, but heartfelt gratitude to all of his supporters. "The Avengers" director revealed that his life has been forever changed. One thing that he hopes will never change is the quality of his fanbase,

Time Magazine Breastfeeding Cover

The cover of the latest issue of Time magazine is sure to turn heads and draw comments from readers and critics. It shows  3-year-old kid suckling from his mother's breast on the cover air.

The image accompanies the magazine's cover story about  attachment parenting — an approach whereby parents breastfeed and co-sleep with their children, in addition to wearing their children in slings.